Eclipse comment/uncomment shortcut?

In Eclipse, you can use the following keyboard shortcuts to comment and uncomment lines of code:

  • To comment out a single line, place the cursor on the line and press Ctrl + / (on Windows) or Command + / (on macOS).
  • To uncomment a single line, place the cursor on the line and press Ctrl + / (on Windows) or Command + / (on macOS) again.

To comment out multiple lines at once, select the lines and press Ctrl + / (on Windows) or Command + / (on macOS).

To uncomment multiple lines at once, select the lines and press Ctrl + / (on Windows) or Command + / (on macOS) again.

Keep in mind that the commenting and uncommenting behavior may vary depending on the programming language and the type of comments used.

For example, in Java, single-line comments start with // and block comments start with /* and end with */. In this case, pressing Ctrl + / (on Windows) or Command + / (on macOS) will toggle between single-line comments and block comments.

You can also use the Source menu or the context menu (right-click menu) to comment and uncomment lines of code.