Does Java have support for multiline strings?

In Java, there is no native support for multiline strings. However, there are a few ways you can achieve a similar effect:

  1. Use the + operator to concatenate multiple strings:
String multilineString = "Line 1\n" +
                        "Line 2\n" +
                        "Line 3";
  1. Use string concatenation with the \ character at the end of each line to break the string into multiple lines:
String multilineString = "Line 1\n" +
                        "Line 2\n" +
                        "Line 3";
  1. Use string concatenation with the \ character at the end of each line and enclose the string in parentheses:
String multilineString = ("Line 1\n" +
                         "Line 2\n" +
                         "Line 3");
  1. Use a string literal with the \ character at the end of each line:
String multilineString = "Line 1\n" +
                        "Line 2\n" +
                        "Line 3";
  1. Use a string literal with the \ character at the end of each line and enclose the string in triple quotes:
String multilineString = """
                         Line 1
                         Line 2
                         Line 3

Note that the triple-quote syntax for defining a string literal is not part of the Java language specification and may not be supported by all Java compilers.

I hope these examples help! Let me know if you have any other questions.