Converting Integer to Long

To convert an Integer object to a Long object in Java, you can use the longValue() method of the Integer class, which returns the value of the Integer object as a long.

For example:

Integer i = new Integer(123);
Long l = i.longValue();

Alternatively, you can use the longValue() method of the Number interface, which is implemented by the Integer class. This allows you to use the same method to convert any object that implements the Number interface to a long, including Byte, Short, Integer, and Long objects:

Number n = new Integer(123);
Long l = n.longValue();

You can also use the longValueExact() method of the Integer class to convert an Integer object to a Long object. This method throws an ArithmeticException if the value of the Integer object is not within the range of the long data type.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.