Convert boolean to int in Java

To convert a boolean value to an integer in Java, you can use the intValue() method of the java.lang.Boolean class, or you can use a conditional operator.

Here's an example of how you can use the intValue() method to convert a boolean to an integer:

boolean b = true;
int i = b ? 1 : 0;

This will assign the value 1 to i if b is true, and 0 if b is false.

Alternatively, you can use the intValue() method of the Boolean class to convert a boolean to an integer:

boolean b = true;
int i = Boolean.valueOf(b).intValue();

This will also assign the value 1 to i if b is true, and 0 if b is false.

Both of these methods will give you the same result, but the conditional operator is usually more concise and easier to read.