In Angular, you can pass data from the child component to the parent component by using:

Understanding @Output() in Angular for Data Transfer

As stated in the quiz question, in Angular, you can pass data from the child component to the parent component using @Output(). You might come across situations in your Angular app where two components need to communicate with each other, and this decoration plays a critical role in it.

@Output() decorator is a function used in Angular to emit custom events from child components to parent component. In simple words, it allows the child component to communicate with the parent component.

For instance, let's say we have a child component that contains a button. We want to notify the parent component every time the button in the child component is clicked. We can accomplish this by using the @Output() decorator.

Here's a simple example:

import { Component, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';

export class ChildComponent {
   @Output() buttonClick = new EventEmitter();

   onClick() {

In the parent component's template, we can then listen for this buttonClick event:

<app-child (buttonClick)="onButtonClick()"></app-child>

Notice that the @Output() decorator is often used together with EventEmitter. That's because in Angular, @Output() properties are typically EventEmitter instances. The EventEmitter class, which is part of the @angular/core module, is used to emit custom events synchronously or asynchronously, and Angular monitors these events in the templates.

Remember, @Output() and EventEmitter make a powerful combo. While the @Output() decorator signals that property changes propagate out of the component, the EventEmitter allows us to create custom events and attach data to be sent along with the event.

However, it's also important to know when not to use @Output(). When you have complex data exchange between components, using other methods like shared services or state management libraries can make for cleaner and more manageable code.

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