Which keyword is used to define a function in Python?

Understanding the def Keyword in Python

Python, like many other programming languages, allows the creation of user-defined functions. The keyword def is used to define a function, making it the correct answer to the quiz question.

When using the def keyword, we are telling Python we want to define our own custom function. To illustrate this, let's go through an example:

def greet():
    print('Hello, world!')

In this example, greet is the name of the function we are defining. Note that parentheses () follow the function name. Any parameters the function accepts would be placed inside these parentheses. In this case, our function doesn't take any parameters.

The code within the function (in this case, print('Hello, world!')) is indented below the definition. This block of code is what the function will execute when it's called.

Our function could then be called like this:

greet()  # Outputs: Hello, world!

Remember, the name you choose for your function should clearly indicate its purpose. Good function names can greatly improve the readability of your code.

While there are shortcuts to defining functions in Python, such as using lambda for anonymous functions, def remains the conventional way to define a function that will be used multiple times or contains a complex block of code.

It's essential to understand that in Python the other options like function, define and func are incorrect as they are not recognized Python keywords for defining a function. Understanding and correctly using keywords is a fundamental part of coding in Python or any other language, so it's worth taking the time to familiarize yourself with them.

By using the def keyword appropriately, you can write functions that enhance the reusability of your code and can make your Python programs more organized and efficient.

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