How do you round the number 5.35 to the nearest integer?

Understanding Math.round in JavaScript

The correct way to round a number to the nearest integer in JavaScript is by using the Math.round() function. JavaScript's built-in Math object has several useful methods, and Math.round() is one of them.

Math.round() works by rounding a number to the nearest integer. If the fractional part is 0.5 or more, it rounds the number upward to the nearest integer. If the fraction part is less than 0.5, it rounds downward.

For example, when you apply Math.round(5.35), the returned result will be 5 since the decimal part .35 is less than .5. Therefore, JavaScript rounds the number downwards to the nearest lower whole number.

Here is how you implement it in a specific case:

var num = 5.35;
var roundedNum = Math.round(num);
console.log(roundedNum); // Output: 5

The number 5.35 is stored in the variable num. Then, the Math.round() function is called with num as the argument to round this number to the nearest integer. The result is then stored in the roundedNum variable. Finally, the console.log() function is used to print the result in the JavaScript console.

The Math.round() function is a versatile and commonly used function in JavaScript when dealing with numbers. It's particularly handy when you need to perform calculations that require integer values or when you need to display numerical data in a more reader-friendly format that does not include decimals.

Strong understanding and effective usage of JavaScript’s Math object, along with its numerous methods like Math.round(), are key best practices in coding. They help increase the efficiency of your code and allow you to handle numerical operations with ease. The Math object's pre-built methods save substantial time as compared to creating custom functions to perform these tasks.

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