Global Event Attributes

An event occurs when the browser reacts to a particular action of the user. The user generates an event when clicking on a mouse, playing video, uploading a document or an image, or performing other actions on a website.

To react to an event, a handler is assigned to it. A handler is a way to run script (e.g., JavaScript) in case of user actions. There are many ways of attaching a handler, and one of them is setting it in HTML with attributes.

Below, you can find a table of event attributes used to initiate specific actions.

Window Events Attributes

Window events are triggered for the window object. The attributes are applicable only to the <body> tag.

Attribute Description
onafterprint Executed when the document is printed.
New attribute in HTML5.
onbeforeprint Executed before the document is printed.
New attribute in HTML5.
onbeforeunload Executed when the document is about to get unloaded (when a user is about to quit the page before it is loaded).
New attribute in HTML5.
onblur Executed when a window loses focus.
onerror Executed when an error occurs when downloading the document.
New attribute in HTML5.
onhashchange Executed when the anchor in URL of a web page is changed (anchor comes after #).
New attribute in HTML5.
onload Executed when content of a web page (images, CSS styles and scripts) is entirely loaded.
onmessage Executed when a message is triggered.
New attribute in HTML5.
onoffline Executed when the browser works offline.
New attribute in HTML5.
ononline Executed when the browser works online.
New attribute in HTML5.
onpagehide Executed when a user go away from the web page.
New attribute in HTML5.
onpageshow Executed when a user navigates to a web page.
New attribute in HTML5.
onpopstate Executed when the window's history is changed.
New attribute in HTML5.
onredo Executed when a “Redo” option is used ( the last action is reversed).
New attribute in HTML5.
onresize Executed when a window is resized.
New attribute in HTML5.
onstorage Executed when a web storage is updated.
New attribute in HTML5.
onundo Executed when the last action is cancelled (“undo” command).
New attribute in HTML5.
onunload Executed when a web page is unloaded (closed).
New attribute in HTML5.

Form Events Attributes

An event that can occur within a form is called a form event. Form events happen when a user opens or closes a form, moves between forms, or works with data on a form.

Form events attributes can be applied to all HTML elements, but they are generally used with HTML forms elements.

Attribute Description
onblur Executed when a form element loses focus.
onchange Executed when the value of the element is changed.
oncontextmenu Executed when the context menu is shown.
New attribute in HTML5.
onfocus Executed when an element gets focus.
oninput Executed when an element gets user input.
New attribute in HTML5.
oninvalid Executed if an input element is invalid.
New attribute in HTML5.
onreset Executed when a form is reset (all controls within the form are set to their initial values).
New attribute in HTML5.
onsearch Executed when the user writes something in a search field (for <input="search">).
onselect Executed when some text is selected in an element.
onsubmit Executed when a form is sent.

Keyboard Events Attributes

The keyboard event attributes can be applied to all HTML elements.

Attribute Description
onkeydown Executed when the user is pressing any key on the keyboard.
onkeypress Executed when the user has pressed a key on the keyboard. (doesn’t work with Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Esc, PrScr).
onkeyup Executed when a pressed key is released.

Mouse Event Attributes

Mouse events occur when the mouse interacts with the HTML document. The attributes can be applied to all HTML elements.

Attribute Description
onclick Executed when a mouse-button is clicked.
ondblclick Executed when a mouse-button is clicked twice.
ondrag Executed when an element is being dragged.
New attribute in HTML5.
ondragend Executed when an element has been dragged.
New attribute in HTML5.
ondragenter Executed when a dragged element enters a valid drop target.
New attribute in HTML5.
ondragleave Executed when a dragged element leaves a valid drop target.
New attribute in HTML5.
ondragover Executed when a dragged element being dragged over a valid drops target (every few hundred milliseconds).
New attribute in HTML5.
ondragstart Executed when the user starts dragging an element.
New attribute in HTML5.
ondrop Executed when the user drops dragging an element.
New attribute in HTML5.
onmousedown Executed when a mouse button is pressed.
onmousemove Executed when the mouse pointer is moved onto the element.
onmouseout Executed when the mouse pointer moves out of an element.
onmouseover Executed when the mouse pointer is moved onto an element.
onmouseup Executed when a mouse button is released.
onmousewheel Executed when the mouse wheel rolls up or down over an element.
Obsolete attribute (use onwheel attribute instead).
onscroll Executed when an element's scrollbar is being scrolled.
New attribute in HTML5.
onwheel Executed when the mouse wheel rolls up or down over an element.
New attribute in HTML5.

Clipboard Event Attributes

Attribute Description
oncopy Executed when the content of an element is copied.
oncut Executed when the content of an element is cut.
onpaste Executed when the content of an element is pasted.

Media-files Events Attributes

Media-files events occur in media elements, like video, image, audio. The attributes can be applied to any HTML element, but they are generally used within audio, embed, img, object and video elements.

Attribute Description
onabort Executed when the loading of an audio/video is aborted.
New attribute in HTML5.
oncanplay Executed when the file is ready to start playing (has buffered enough to start playing).
New attribute in HTML5.
oncanplaythrough Executed when the file is ready to be played from start to end without stopping for buffering.
New attribute in HTML5.
oncuechange Executed when the duration of the media is changed.
New attribute in HTML5.
onemptied Executed when something happens and the file is unavailable (e.g., when the Internet connection is lost).
New attribute in HTML5.
onended Executed when a media file reached the end.
New attribute in HTML5.
onerror Executed when an error occurs when the file is being loaded.
New attribute in HTML5.
onloadeddata Executed when media data is loaded.
New attribute in HTML5.
onloadedmetadata Executed when metadata (size of media files, duration, etc. ) is loaded.
New attribute in HTML5.
onloadstart Executed when the browser starts downloading media data.
New attribute in HTML5.
onpause Executed when the mediafile is paused.
New attribute in HTML5.
onplay Executed when the file is ready to start playing.
New attribute in HTML5.
onplaying Executed when the file starts playing.
New attribute in HTML5.
onprogress Executed when the browser is in process of getting media data.
New attribute in HTML5.
onratechange Executed each time, when the playing mode is changed (e.g. user switches fast forward or slow motion mode).
New attribute in HTML5.
onseeked Executed when the seeking attribute of the <audio> or <video> tags is set to false indicating that seeking has ended.
New attribute in HTML5.
onseeking Executed when the seeking attribute of the <audio> or <video> tags is set to false indicating that seeking is active.
New attribute in HTML5.
onstalled Executed when the browser cannot get media data for whatever reason.
New attribute in HTML5.
onsuspend Executed when the browser has already started extracting media data, but the process was suspended before the data is completely loaded.
New attribute in HTML5.
ontimeupdate Executed when the playing position is changed.
New attribute in HTML5.
onvolumechange Executed each time when the volume is changed (includes setting the volume to "mute").
New attribute in HTML5.
onwaiting Executed when media file is suspended, but is about to resume (e.g., when the file is paused for buffering).
New attribute in HTML5.

Other Events Attributes

Attribute Description
onerror Executed when an error occurs when downloading external file.
onshow Executed when the <menu> is shown as a context menu.
New attribute in HTML5.
ontoggle Executed when a user opens or closes the <details>.
New attribute in HTML5.

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