Understanding PHP Looping with do-while Statement

Loops in PHP are an essential concept to master, as they allow you to perform a task multiple times without repeating yourself. One of the looping statements in PHP is the do-while loop, which is used when you want to execute the code block at least once, and then repeat the code block until the given condition is true.

In this article, we will explore the do-while loop in PHP, understand its syntax and usage, and see some examples of how it can be used to solve real-world problems.

Syntax of do-while Statement

The syntax of a do-while loop in PHP is quite simple, and it looks like this:

do {
    // code to be executed
} while (condition);

As you can see, the code block to be executed is enclosed in the do keyword, and the condition to be checked is placed after the while keyword.

Usage of do-while Statement

The do-while loop is used in PHP when you want to execute the code block at least once, and then repeat the code block until the given condition is true. This means that the condition is only checked after the code block has been executed at least once.

Example of do-while Statement

Here's an example of how you can use the do-while loop to print the numbers 1 to 10:


$i = 1;
do {
    echo $i;
} while ($i <= 10);


In this example, the code block will be executed 10 times, printing the numbers 1 to 10.


In conclusion, the do-while loop in PHP is a useful construct that allows you to repeat a code block until a given condition is true. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced PHP developer, understanding how to use the do-while loop is essential. With the knowledge you've gained in this article, you should be able to implement do-while loops in your PHP code with ease.


			graph LR
A[Start] --> B[Execute code block]
B --> C[Check condition]
C --> D{Is condition true?}
D --Yes--> B
D --No--> E[End]

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