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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>Interactive Lighting with Drag and Drop</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <style> #darkArea { width: 300px; height: 300px; background-color: #333; position: relative; margin-top: 20px; } #lightIcon { font-size: 48px; color: #ccc; cursor: pointer; position: absolute; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="main"> <p>Move the light into the dark area to light it up!</p> <div id="darkArea"></div> <i id="lightIcon" class="fas fa-lightbulb"></i> </div> <script> // Get references to the light bulb icon and the dark area on the webpage var lightIcon = document.getElementById("lightIcon"); var darkArea = document.getElementById("darkArea"); // Variables to track whether the dragging is active and to store position data var active = false; var initialX, initialY, currentX, currentY, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0; // Listen for the mouse down event on the light bulb icon lightIcon.addEventListener("mousedown", function (e) { // Record the starting position of the mouse and adjust by any existing offset initialX = e.clientX - xOffset; initialY = e.clientY - yOffset; // Set the active flag to true, indicating that dragging has started active = true; }); // Listen for mouse movement across the entire document document.addEventListener("mousemove", function (e) { // If not dragging, don't do anything if (!active) return; // Prevent any other actions that may occur as a result of this movement e.preventDefault(); // Calculate the new position of the mouse currentX = e.clientX - initialX; currentY = e.clientY - initialY; // Update the offset with the new position xOffset = currentX; yOffset = currentY; // Move the light bulb icon to the new position = "translate3d(" + currentX + "px, " + currentY + "px, 0)"; }); // Listen for the mouse up event across the entire document document.addEventListener("mouseup", function () { // Save the final position of the light bulb initialX = currentX; initialY = currentY; // Set the active flag to false, indicating dragging has ended active = false; // Check if the light bulb is inside the dark area if (isInside(darkArea, lightIcon)) { // Change the background color of the dark area to yellow = "yellow"; = "#ccc"; } else { // Revert the dark area's color to dark = "#333"; // Revert the light bulb's color to gray = "#ccc"; } }); // Function to check if the light bulb is inside the dark area function isInside(container, element) { // Get the position of the container and the element var containerRect = container.getBoundingClientRect(); var elementRect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); // Return true if the element is within the container's boundaries return elementRect.left >= containerRect.left && elementRect.right <= containerRect.right && >= && elementRect.bottom <= containerRect.bottom; } </script> </body> </html>